Ghost Command
Ghost Command
Appeared in Ghostbusters
Voiced by Peter Cullen

Victor was a male vampire and consort to Vampra. When the two of them were summoned by Prime Evil they arrived late, because they never travel during the day. Prime Evil wanted them to make sure the Moon Bloom project on Moon Base Alpha in the year 2186 would not come to fruition.

After arriving at the moon base, the vampires gave themselves a healthier, more human looking disguise and called themselves the 'Drackels'. However, ten year old Keyta, the daughter of the Mayor of Moon Base Alpha had seen them arrive and tried to warn her father and the visiting Ghostbusters and Futura. Unfortunately, nobody except Eddie Spenser Jr. believed Keyta because she had already set off a false alarm earlier.


Victor's character model is a reuse of the character Drac from Filmations' 1970 Groovie Goolies TV series. Victor's bat form is also a reuse from that used by Drac. However, in The Girl Who Cried Vampire, Vampra also transforms into a red bat, which she never did in the earlier TV show.


Victor makes his only appearance in the episode The Girl Who Cried Vampire.


The Girl Who Cried Vampire


Victor and Vampra
Meet the Drackels